Student Ministry
We are: "A group of disciples who, through the Gospel, by the power of the Holy Spirit, are committed to actively communicate with God through the Scriptures and prayer, to worship, to love God and love others with all we have, and to be transformed as we serve Christ and look forward to His return!"
Our Core Values: Reaching Up in worship describes what it looks like to approach our heavenly Father, Reaching In through community is a picture of a team preparing to go out and give it their all, and Reaching Out in service and evangelism casts a clear picture of our goals to serve and share.
We meet every Wednesday during the school year (unless otherwise noted):
Junior high is from 3:15 to 5 p.m.
Senior high is from 7-9 p.m.
Coming in February 2025!
Annual Chili Cook Off
Watch for 2025 details!
Start honing your skills and recipe for the "Best" Chili! See how your famous, home-cooked chili stacks up against the competition!
This is a home-run event to attend with the entire family (food is provided!) and also to invite someone along to. Who doesn't love tasty food, a little competition, and supporting a fantastic cause!
All proceeds support the Grace Youth program.
District Blitz is an annual student ministries conference hosted by the North Central District of the EFCA and CNC (Converge North Central). Each year Grace Student Ministry brings Jr. and Sr. High Youth to attend this conference which is held each spring in Duluth.
District Blitz 2025 is April 11-13!
Save the date and watch for details.
National Conference
Challenge - the EFCA’s national gathering for students blends aspects of a conference, a mission trip and camp to create a catalytic environment that moves beyond the mountaintop moment to building missional momentum within your group. Details on the next National Conference July 2026.