Sunday School
During the school year, Sunday morning classes for ages 3 through adult meet from 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. with a brief coffee time for adults before classes begin. Children and youth classes are located in the North Wing. Please register all children on the link below.
During the school year, we have two groups for middle school and high school students:
B.R.I.C.K. for 7th and 8th grade - led by Pastor Regnier
L.I.T. (Leaders in Training) for 9th - 12th grade - led by the Student Ministry staff
Adults - In addition to regular morning adult classes, twice a year we offer "Grace 101" an informational class for those would like to know more about Grace Church.
Adult classes
There are 4 adult classes to choose from:
Hebrews: The Book of Better Things
Of the 66 books of the Bible, Hebrews is uniquely unlike any of the others. The book’s author masterfully lays out how Jesus is all over the OT as the better prophet, priest, and sacrifice. Brian Dunbar and Bret Adler invite YOU to come grow in your love for Jesus by
exploring this amazing book together.
Church History 101
How Did We, Grace Church, Get Here? We will journey through 2000 EXCITING years of Church history, learning about key events, movements, individuals, and governments that shaped Christian life. Learning Church history helps us see how God has been faithful to His Church, helps to protect us, and encourages us to persevere in our faith! Taught by Ben Raygor.
Multiplying Churches
Come join us as we discuss and explore what goes into launching a “new church”. This class might be of special interest to those
traveling to Grace from south of Stewartville. Paul Raygor and Josh Hogberg.
God-Centered Parenting
God has SO MUCH to say about this topic! Come expecting a discussion based class crafted specifically to share in the joys, ask
transparent questions, and seek answers together in God’s word. Facilitated by
Andrew & Claire Langseth who will share insights and struggles they have gleaned along the bump-filled journey parenting 6 children.