Saturday, April 5, 2025
9:00 am - 2:00 pm (check-in at 8:30 am)
Lunch is provided

Cost is $25 per person
Youth: $10

Have you ever found yourself doing the very thing you don’t want to do? Or not doing the thing you want to do? The struggle is real. The Apostle Paul felt it too, calling it a war that was waged between his inner self and the reality of his actual behavior. Paul mentored his protege Timothy by encouraging him to train himself for godliness, developing godly habits that would win that war for his soul.

The reality is that none of us is a “blank slate.” We have already been spiritually formed - both intentionally and unintentionally. We have deeply-formed habits and thought patterns that have been shaped by a variety of influences. The 2025 Women’s Gathering encourages us to be intentional in our pursuit of Habits of Grace. We want to develop and nurture personal practices that help us be re-formed and transformed into more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient kinds of people…people more like Jesus.

At Grace Church, we have a compass model for spiritual growth that focuses on four key areas: Word, Prayer, Love, and Worship. This year’s women’s gathering centers around helping us all cultivate healthy habits in each of these areas. Using a car analogy, if all four tires are fully inflated equally, we will go far in our faith journey to be with Jesus and become like him, doing as he did.

Korrie Johnson
Keynote Speaker

Habits of Grace

  • Tagline: “Practice Makes Permanent”

  • Key Passage: 1 Timothy 4:7-8

  • Description: Godly character leading to Christlike behavior doesn’t happen by accident. It doesn’t even happen by praying for it alone. With God’s help, and by His good grace, we can all develop healthy, God-honoring habits by rigorously training ourselves for godliness.What we choose to think about, talk about, and routinely DO will shape us into women of grace who resemble Jesus.


There’s something for everybody - check out this lineup of breakout options! Most are offered twice in order to give you a chance to attend the ones of most interest to you (see schedule below). There are even two breakout sessions just for youth.

WORD: Reading

  • Facilitator: Tricia Knutson

  • Tagline: “Words to Live By”

  • Key Passage: Matthew 4:4 (quoting Deuteronomy 8:3)

  • Description: Just as God provided manna in the desert for His people, He has given us the living Word - our “daily bread” - by which we are fed, sustained and satisfied. Tricia Knutson takes us on the journey of her own personal encounter with the Bible and encourages us to develop and cultivate daily practices in the Word toward being transformed by the renewing of our minds.  Offered twice (10:00 & 11:30 am)

WORD: Study, Meditation, Memorization

  • Facilitator: Laura Jobes

  • Tagline: “Discovering the Hidden Treasure”

  • Key Passage: Psalm 119:11

  • Description: The 119th Psalm repeatedly describes God’s Word as a priceless treasure to be meditated on, pondered, considered, loved, followed, clung to, and even hidden away for our benefit in every life circumstance. In helping us recognize both our need to constantly depend on the Bible and the intangible rewards that living in the Word brings, Laura gives practical advice on HOW to hide the Word in our hearts.  Offered twice (10:45 am & 12:45 pm)

PRAYER: Praying the Scriptures

  • Facilitator: Korrie Johnson

  • Tagline: “Say It Back”

  • Key Passages: Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:1-4

  • Description: We know we should pray, but sometimes we feel inadequate. We don’t know how to pray. We struggle for words. Jesus’ first disciples had the same problem, so they asked Jesus how to pray. When Jesus responded with The Lord’s Prayer, he wasn’t giving them a prayer to recite as much as he was giving them an outline of how to pray. Just as we would use this prayer as a “prayer guide,” there are many other Scriptures that can be “prayed back” to God. Korrie talks through how to pray the Word of God back in ways that guide our conversations with the Lord and give us confidence in prayer.   Offered twice (10:45 am & 12:45 pm)

PRAYER: Anchored in Prayer for Our Adult Children

  • Facilitator: Carol Youdas

  • Tagline: “God’s Infusion over Enemy Intrusion”

  • Key Passage: Ephesians 3:20

  • Description: Whether our adult children are on a good path or whether they are in a difficult  place, God wants us as parents to be consistent and hopeful in prayer. Come and be encouraged that God hears our every prayer on their behalf. Offered once (10:00 am)

LOVE: Serving in the Local Church

  • Facilitator: Amy Svoboda

  • Tagline: “The Least Is the Greatest”

  • Key Passages: 1 Peter 4:10, Matthew 25:40 Galatians 5:13-14

  • Description: Amy speaks from her own experience in serving others, as a Habit of Grace, under Pastor Aaron’s leadership in Student Ministries. She highlights how we can use our gifts to serve one another in the local church, for God’s glory and our good, offering ideas of suggested ministries in which to serve.   Offered twice (10:00 & 11:30 am)

WORSHIP: Offering Our Bodies as Living Sacrifices

  • Facilitator: Cindy Dunbar

  • Tagline: “Be Like Jesus”

  • Key Passages: Romans 12:1-2, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  • Description: Jesus’ life is the perfect example of living sacrifice. Everything he did was an act of love to the Father. He literally laid down his life as a sacrifice, which not only demonstrated worship to God, but love for the world. If we want to be like Jesus, we would do well to consider how Jesus’ regular practices drove his life of worship. What were Jesus’ habits in regard to time with the Father (prayer), rest (sabbath), meditation (Scripture), teaching (serving), generosity (sharing), self-denial (fasting) etc.?   Offered twice (11:30 am & 12:45 pm)

WORSHIP: Not So Fast!

  • Facilitator: Cindy Dunbar

  • Tagline: “Less Is More” - the benefits of fasting

  • Key Passage: Matthew 6:16-18

  • Description: This session is likely to be the least popular breakout session ever. It promises to make you uncomfortable (literally). Even though fasting was clearly the norm for God’s people throughout history (not to mention for Jesus himself!), it no longer seems to be a normative practice of the Christian life. Explore with Cindy the benefits of making fasting part of offering your body as a living sacrifice.  Offered once (10:45 am) 

YOUTH: Still All In?

  • Facilitator: Mikayla Langseth

  • Tagline: “Time For a Checkup”

  • Key Passage: Matthew 16:24

  • Description: Back in January, many of us committed to denying ourselves, taking up our crosses and following Jesus at ALL IN Weekend. That’s hard! Though we’ve had ups and downs, this session with Mikayla is a great “follow-up appointment” to check in and hear from one another both successes and failures in these areas. The main emphasis will be encouragement and spurring one another on in this difficult, yet rewarding journey.  Offered once (10:00 am)

YOUTH: The Time Is Now

  • Facilitator: Brooke Limmer

  • Tagline: “What Are You Waiting For?”

  • Key Passage: 1 Timothy 4:12

  • Description: 1 Timothy 4:12 tells us to not let others despise us for our youth, but to set an example for believers in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. Like so many things, this can feel easier said than done. In this session we will discuss those who have set an example for us in the Bible as young believers— both in big and small ways— and explore how that translates to our everyday lives. This time will help remind us what a gift it is to believe in Jesus in our youth as we look forward with expectancy that the Lord will continue to grow our faith and set the trajectory of our lives to a lifetime of faithful obedience.  Offered once (10:45 am)


8:30 Registration and fellowship

9:00 Opening Session (Worship Center)

9:45 Break 

10:00 1st Breakout Sessions (choose one)

Word: Reading (Tricia Knutson)
Prayer: Anchored in Prayer for Our Adult Children (Carol Youdas)
Love: Serving in the Local Church (Amy Svoboda)
YOUTH: Still All In? (Mikayla Langseth)

10:30 Break 

10:45 2nd Breakout Sessions (choose one)

Word: Study, Memorization, Meditation (Laura Jobes)
Prayer: Praying the Scriptures (Korrie Johnson)
Worship: Not So Fast! (Cindy Dunbar)
YOUTH: The Time Is Now (Brooke Limmer)

11:15 Break

11:30 3rd Breakout Sessions (choose one)

Word: Reading (Tricia Knutson)
Love: Serving in the Local Church (Amy Svoboda)
Worship: Offering Our Bodies as Living Sacrifices (Cindy Dunbar)

12:00 Lunch

12:45 4th Breakout Sessions (choose one)

Word: Study, Memorization, Meditation (Laura Jobes)
Prayer: Praying the Scriptures (Korrie Johnson)
Worship: Offering Our Bodies as Living Sacrifices (Cindy Dunbar)

1:15 Break

1:30 Closing Session (Worship Center)

2:00 Dismissal