
Women’s Ministries at Grace

There are a number of groups for women at Grace.  We encourage everyone to be a part of a Growth Group or a small group where you enjoy the opportunity to fellowship, share, care, pray and study God's Word.

Prayer Ministry

We believe in the power of God through prayer and feel that it is important to pray for the church and various ministries at Grace. We meet to pray on Wednesday mornings before Bible study from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m. from September through May. Please join us to see the power of God at work as we witness many answered prayers.

Bible Study Fellowship Groups

Women at Grace meet weekly to study the Bible together. We meet to encourage one another, pray and learn together how to grow in our relationship with Jesus. If you have studied the scriptures for many years, or are new to studying the Bible, we believe that you'll be blessed by coming together with other women over the Word of God. We have a variety of Bible study options to accommodate schedules for women of all ages and stages of spiritual growth. Choose a time that fits your schedule. Consider joining us.

Special Events

Periodically we also schedule events, speakers, field trips, brunch, teas, etc. Those events will be highlighted below.


Precept Bible Studies

Genesis -Part 1 - Meets Tuesdays, 9 am

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Do I believe this statement that God has revealed in His Book? What does this really mean, and how does it affect my daily life? When you immerse yourself in the Biblical account of Creation, you will be led to know your Creator in deeper ways, increasing your awe of Him. You will also gain insight into who you are in relationship to your Maker and will gain a more complete understanding of your own purpose and how to live.

Genesis, Part One: The Creation explores the Biblical account of Creation found in chapters one and two, how the world was created, and how man came into being.

Study length - 4 lessons (Part 1 of 5)
Cost of workbook - $16 - sign up by Sept 1
Beginning - September 17, 2024
Leader - Laura Jobes, laurajobes@gmail.com

1, 2, & 3rd John - How to Know You Have Eternal Life - Meets Thursdays, 10 am

Take a journey through the scriptures with the Apostle John, an eyewitness to the life of Jesus Christ. John walked with Jesus on earth so it’s no wonder that he steps up to the plate when deceivers try to weave a story to lead believers away from the truth. In this Bible study on I John and 2 & 3 John, we will explore questions like, “How do you know if you're really born again?” “What does it mean to be holy?” “What does it mean to love God?”  “How do you know the truth?” “How do you stay confident in the truth that you have learned and loved?” Find answers to these and other questions as you take an in-depth look at several fundamentals of Christian beliefs.

Study length - 7 lessons
Cost of workbook - (see Linda)
Beginning - September 10, 2024

Leader - Linda Grabau - lindalgrabau@gmail.com

Tuesday Bible Study

Tuesday 7:30-9 pm

Judges - The Path From Chaos to Kingship

In the book of Judges, the people of God were mired in sin―from murder and violence to lust and adultery. The dramatic journey to the promised land may feel like a blockbuster movie, but it’s a tragic story that illuminates the sinful nature of humanity. The Israelites’ waywardness threatened to lead them away from their blessing, but despite their disobedience, God’s undeserved grace endured.

Study length - 10 lessons
Cost - purchase personally online
Beginning - January 7
Leader - Brooke (limmer.brooke@gmail.com)

Wednesday Bible Study

Wednesday 9-11 am

Ecclesiastes - Finding Meaning When Life Feels Meaningless

We all want our lives to count, to have purpose and meaning and value. The big question is, where do we find it? Fame, fortune, and pleasure promise much, but meaning isn’t found there. It’s not found even in the personal success or happy family life. It’s found only in one source, the Lord Jesus Christ, and in living for one thing, the kingdom of God.

Lydia Brownback takes readers on a purpose-journey through the book of Ecclesiastes, illuminating our need for a guide and Savior. Exploring this wisdom book verse-by-verse to help women understand the themes of sin, vanity, enjoyment, and death, ultimately encouraging believers to follow the will of God for their lives, no matter their current circumstances.

 Study length - 10 lessons
Cost of workbook - $9 (Sign up before December 4 - make payment at the Connection Center)
Beginning - January 8, 2025

Wednesday 6:30-8 pm

Studying the Book of Acts

Bring your Bible, a pen and notebook as we go through the entire book of Acts together.

Beginning - September 11, 2024 - April 2025
Leader - Cindy Dunbar - cdunbar@selco.info

Women’s Events

Women’s Gathering 2025

Women of all ages - teen to adult - there is something for everyone! If you attended the 2024 session, you know you won’t want to miss our next gathering set for April 5, 2025! All the details can be found on the events page.


Life Groups

